
“Facebook And Seventeen Magazine Stood Up Against Cyberbully”, Kara McGrath,Seventeen Magazine,Posted March 1,2013 at 12:24.

Type: Magazine

Information: Seventeen magazine and facebook took a stand against bully.

Seventeen also  made some shirts for selling and they are helping an organization called STOMP Bully!

Seventeen Magazine and Facebook did a research
Seventeen magazine said: “We partnered with Facebook to survey almost 5,000 girls and found that 51% of you see hurtful posts about other girls online at least once a week!”

They also said: “Luckily, however, over 54% of you say you've stood up to someone who's bullied you or someone else online in the past year, usually by deleting the hurtful comment or blocking the person who sent it. Plus, 51% reached out to the victim, either by leaving your support in a comment or by reaching out to them privately—which is so amazing! We agree with the 83% of you who said that girls have the responsibility to stick up for one another online!”

Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary,Cambridge University Press 2013.Print.

Cambridge Dictionary Definition For Cyberbully: someone who uses the internet to harm or frighten another person, especially by sending them unpleasant messages.

Links For Cyberbully Cases:

Youtube,Posted By VlogBeuty,Posted October 3 of 2012

This video is a girl called lizzie That tell her story the video has a few facts also.

·      Youtube,posted by PureBeuty16,Posted December 19 of 2010

This girl she tells how she dealed with cyberbully.

·      Youtube,posted by chia videos,October 12 of 2012.

This is Amanda Todd she killed herself last year in November this video is Amanda before suicidin herself she posted this vdeo in youtube explaining her cyberbully story.Its a pretty famous case!

Cyberbully,Teens Health,Kids Health Organisation, 8/04/2013.

What To Do When You Are Cyberbullied: What to Do
If you're being bullied, harassed, or teased in a hurtful way — or know someone who is — there is no reason to suffer in silence. In fact, you absolutely should report upsetting IMs, emails, texts, etc.

Tell someone. Most experts agree: The first thing to do is tell an adult you trust. This is often easier said than done. People who are cyberbullied may feel embarrassed or reluctant to report a bully. Some may hesitate because they're not 100% sure who is doing the bullying. But bullying can escalate, so speak up until you find someone to help.

Walk away. What you've heard about walking away from a real-life bully works in the virtual world too. Ignoring bullies is the best way to take away their power, but it isn't always easy to do (both in the real world and online).

If you see something upsetting, try to step away from the computer or turn off your phone for a while. Don't respond (or forward the message to someone else). Find something to distract yourself from what's going on. Do something you love that doesn't give you time to think about what's happening, like playing the guitar, going for a run, or immersing yourself in a book or movie. You can also just chat with a parent or sibling or play with a pet.

Report bullying to your service provider. Sites like Facebook and YouTube take it seriously when people use their sites to post cruel or mean stuff or set up fake accounts. If users report abuse, the site administrator may block the bully from using the site in future. If you're being harassed by someone sending you mean texts or emails, you can complain to phone service or email providers (such as Gmail, Verizon, Comcast, and Yahoo).

·      Block the bully. Most devices have settings that allow you to electronically block the bully or bullies from sending notes. If you don't know how to do this, ask a friend or adult who does.
Be safe online. Password protect your cell phone and your online sites, and change your passwords often. Be sure to share your passwords only with your parent or guardian. It's also wise to think twice before sharing personal information or photos/videos that you don't want the world to see. Once you've posted a photo or message, it can be difficult or impossible to delete. So remind yourself to be cautious when posting photos or responding to someone's upsetting message.

State CyberBullying Laws,Cyberbullying In The USA,Created January 2013,asseced 8/04/2013

In the united states there are 49 states that has bully laws 11,16 of them include cyberbully,47 of them include vitual harassment,all of them includes school policy and 10 of them include campus behavior.

Student Advice-CyberbullyTeachToday What Are The Effects?, TeachToday,accessed 08/04/2013.

As with any form of bullying, cyberbullying can have an extremely negative impact on your students, including:

Undermining their confidence, self-esteem and sense of security
Affecting their performance and attendance at school

Causing stress and affecting their health

Resulting in negative offline behaviours, such as running away from home

Marginalising certain groups

Fuelling prejudice in areas such as race, religion and sexuality

Leading to suicidal thoughts

Affecting them for the rest of their lives

Source: Oxford Dictionary


Oxford Dictionary Meaning For Ducumentary:

Definition of documentary
consisting of official pieces of written, printed, or other matter:his book is based on documentary sources

(of a movie, a television or radio program, or photography) using pictures or interviews with people involved in real events to provide a factual record or report:he has directed documentary shorts and feature films

noun (plural documentaries)
a movie or a television or radio program that provides a factual record or report.

In My Words: A Documentary is a book or video or a piece of writing that has pictures,interviews with people and says real stories.So says about real facts.

What  That Has To Do With My Project: So since im doing a movie

Things To Do For Documentary:


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