segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2013

Update 2


So today I will update you guys about my project again. Well since i missed school last week because I was sick I lost my path but today we had a lesson and i managed to catch up i was kind of confused at the start of the lesson but since I am doing my project with 2 friends (Valerie Perego and Gabriella Iannoni) they helped me to catch up so now I feel much better.

What We Did Today?
So today we had to hand in our proposal with our main questions our area of interest the plan of the final outcome and explain in details the outcome.

What I Thought?

So like i said i was very confused at the start then I managed to sit down with my 2 friends and we managed to set our tasks and aims so next lesson we will already start!

My Tasks:

Next lesson sit down with Gabriella and Valerie and create a  survey for cyber bully then the Story Board for our final outcome which is the movie and create a timetable for rehearsal and meetings.

So this was my lesson today I will paste below my proposal so you guys can understand better my overall project idea:

My Proposal

My area of interest:

•        My area of interest is Cyber Bully (Social Life)  i would like to explore more about Cyber Bully,human ingenuity.

My Main Questions:
•    My main question is what are the consequences cyber bully can cause and what impact can cyber bully cause on people?

  Product or Outcome:

So I will direct  and act a movie with my group (Valerie Perego and Gabriella Iannoni) that will raise awareness of cyber bully the impact on people and  the consequences.


So my role of the group  is to direct and help acting in the movie.So firstly I will seat down with my group to create a story,plan the roles and then we will do our tasks and presente a visual presentation (~).

My Specifications:

I will sit down with the group and create a storyboard and plan then my role is to wait for the script to be ready that will be and by Gabriella Iannoni and find actors with Valerie Perego and then start filming and directing with both of them.


maria eduarda

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